What to Know About High Net Worth Divorce in New Jersey

hundred dollar bills

When it comes to a high net worth divorce, you will want to make sure that you and your assets are protected. Contact our firm today to discuss the specifics of your case and your options with a skilled New Jersey divorce attorney. Our firm is on your side.

What is a high net worth divorce?

If you or your spouse have assets worth over $1 million, your divorce will likely be considered a high net worth divorce. Another situation that may initiate this type of divorce is if one spouse owns or has an ownership interest in a business.

What assets are affected in a high net worth divorce?

In a high net worth divorce, the matters that are brought up in a regular divorce will still be considered. These matters include division of assets, spousal support, child support, and child custody. It is important to note that there are several more factors that are also commonly considered with divorces that are categorized under high net worth. Some of them include the following:

  • 401(k)
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Real estate and property holdings
  • Shared businesses
  • Business investments
  • Retirement accounts
  • Pensions
  • Benefits

Sometimes, high net worth divorces may also require forensic accountants, certified public accountants, financial analysts, private investigators, and more to be involved in the divorce process in the event that there are discrepancies. It is important to have an experienced family law attorney at your side throughout your high net worth divorce process.

How can I protect my assets?

There are several options to consider when it comes to protecting your assets in a high net worth divorce. The first is creating a prenuptial agreement. This is a legal document that is produced before your marriage with your spouse to protect your family’s inheritance and your assets. If you are already married, it may be best for you to explore your options for drafting a postnuptial agreement that will also be able to protect specific assets in the event of a divorce. Lastly, the third legal document you might consider drafting to protect your assets is through a shareholder agreement. A shareholder agreement is a document that expressly states what will happen to you and your spouse’s business in the event that you divorce.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced divorce attorneys today to discuss your options with our legal team. Our firm is prepared to walk you through each step of the claims process. Give our firm a call today to schedule your initial consultation.

Contact our Firm

We understand how emotional and difficult matters of family law can be. If you need the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney to help protect your right to your family, please do not hesitate to contact our experienced firm. We are eager and dedicated to helping you through this difficult time. Our personal injury specialists at Greenberg & Walden, LLC are standing by for a free initial consultation. Call us at 201-528-6928

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